Have you ever been in a waiting room? By Jarrid Wilson

James_1-3: Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience

James_1-3: Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience

The Waiting Room
Waiting, waiting, and more waiting…



Waiting is something all of us do in life. And while some people like to ensure that waiting is a great learning experience, in reality it feels more like a mental and emotional torture chamber.

To be honest, I dislike waiting. I’ve never been good at it. I’ve always liked to get things done as soon as possible, and at a time that was most convenient to my schedule. But over the years I’ve realized that life doesn’t revolve around me. Time does not click in parallel to my heart. And what I think will never be more important than what God already knows.

Romans_12-12-2: Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer

Romans_12-12-2: Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer


Have you ever been in a waiting room?
You know, that smelly, dimly lit room that feels like the black hole of all rooms. And regardless of why you are there, it’s usually for a good reason. I can’t really think of any waiting room that wasn’t strategically placed in line before hearing important news.


Hebrews_11-1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

Hebrews_11-1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

My point is:
Don’t expect anything of substantial value to come out of a speedy process. I’m not saying it can’t happen, but realistically it won’t. In fact, scripture even promotes this very fact.

Proverbs 14:29 – Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.

Proverbs 21:5 – Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.




Jeremiah_17-7-2: Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

Jeremiah_17-7-2: Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

The reality is:
Life is a waiting room, and patience is the antidote. Don’t be in a rush to move forward when God might want you right where you’re standing.


Anytime you feel impatience creeping within your bones, recite Proverbs 14:29, and pray for God to gift you with the blessing of patience.


Through patience and diligence, the snail reached the Ark.



May God Bless Nigeria, America And Israel And Take Care Of Us; May God Make His Face Shine Upon Us, And Be Gracious To Us; May The Lord Lift Up His Countenance Upon Us, And Give Us Peace, In Jesus Christ Name, We Pray! Amen!


May The Grace The Lord Jesus Christ, And The Love Of God, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit Be With You All. Amen!

About god

I am a fun loving, hard working, Christian husband and father, who loves to blog.
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3 Responses to Have you ever been in a waiting room? By Jarrid Wilson

  1. Pat says:

    Reblogged this on Good Devotionals and commented:
    Yes,Amen!! :)


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