New Year Resolutions. Best Resolution You Can Make

2-Corinthians_3:18: But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord

2-Corinthians_3:18: But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord

And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Today we stand at the gate of a fresh new year. Stretching before us are 354 unlived days, bursting with potential. Traditionally, we pause to consider the ways we’d like to change in the coming months.

Usually, I keep lists of such personal promises—commonly called New Year’s resolutions. Yet today, as I look back over my lists, I make a discouraging discovery. For the past several years, they look all too similar:

I will be more disciplined.
I will get up earlier each morning.
I will lose 10 lbs. (15?).
I will always be on time.
I will be more patient.

Obviously, I’ve never been able to cross any of these goals off my list once and for all. Why? I wonder, and then I see an answer. The goals ignore the greatest resource of power for change in my life: GOD’S PRESENCE! They focus on me instead of my response to Him; they dwell on external results rather than drawing from internal strength. No wonder I’m not making much progress.

So this year, I’m going to try something different. Instead of listing a bunch of desirable external results, I’m going to focus on a single internal goal—Cooperating With God By Listening To Him And Responding; Choosing His Way Over My Way.



Heavenly Father, as we begin the year, may we grow increasingly aware of Your presence in our lives, and cooperate with You, choice-by-choice, day-by-day, month-by-month, in Jesus Christ Name I Pray, Amen!



May God Bless Nigeria, America And Israel And Take Care Of Us; May God Make His Face Shine Upon Us, And Be Gracious To Us; May The Lord Lift Up His Countenance Upon Us, And Give Us Peace, In Jesus Christ Name, We Pray! Amen!

May The Grace The Lord Jesus Christ, And The Love Of God, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit Be With You All. Amen!

About god

I am a fun loving, hard working, Christian husband and father, who loves to blog.
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