Our hope rests in God alone

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

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Our hope rests in God alone

Our hope should never be set on others. Our hope should be set on Christ. Certainly, there are times when we need one another. God created us with a need for fellowship. There is no way to live life apart from interaction with others. However, our hope always needs to be set on God first and above all else. If we set it on man, we will be disappointed every time.

At the beginning of his reign King Asa worshiped the Lord. His faith and trust was firmly fixed on God and not man. However, near the end of his life, he began to allow pride to creep into his heart. He showed off the wealth that the Lord had given Israel and began to place his trust in the friendship of other kings. When God allowed sickness to strike his life, “he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians” (2 Chronicles 16:12).

God has given us doctors to help us fight the diseases that come our way as a result of living in a fallen world. However, He never intended for us to place all of our hope in their abilities. We can trust them, but our greater trust and faith should always be in God’s care through them. King Asa turned to men for the answers that only God could provide. The man at the pool in John 5 did the same thing. When Jesus stepped on the scene, his thoughts were not fixed on worshipping the Son of God. Instead, all he could do is offer excuses as to why he had a lapse in faith.

Jesus had mercy on him and healed him of his disease. Whatever problem or trial you are facing; there is only one person who can show you the right way to deal with it. If it is a problem with loneliness, Jesus promises to be your everlasting friend. If it is an overwhelming sense of sorrow after the death of a loved one, He will comfort you and listen to your prayers with compassion and care. Trust Him and you will receive the peace you seek and most of all you will have hope for the future.

May God Almighty prosper Nigeria and Israel and defend us from all our enemies in Jesus Christ Name, Amen!

About https://jesus.bingo

I am a fun loving, hard working, Christian husband and father, who loves to blog.
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